|1-How to Get TOP GRADES at College I Have Discovered the Secret of Getting Top Grades... Budda has been getting quite alot of GOOD grades recently for his assignments, so I studied some of his work and found a pattern: L·O·T·S A·N·D L·O·T·S O·F C·L·I·P·A·R·T Every piece of work that Budda hands in is Covered in Clipart, and Bugger Me if he doesn't get a Distinction!! The Work is All Crap, Most of the time he's half asleep while typing it out but just because of his clipart (He has CD's FULL of clipart) he gets top marks...it just ain't fair is it? So there you have it... Just shuv lots of pretty pictures all over your work to get Good Grades... - MøZ -